Courage yeyeviray, October 7, 2023October 7, 2023 One of my favorite descriptions of Courage is from an American author, Jim Butcher. He said that “Courage is about learning how to function despite the fear, to put aside your instincts to run or give in completely to the anger born from fear. Courage is about using your brain… Continue Reading
Joy for Sadness yeyeviray, August 23, 2015August 23, 2015 Lately I’ve been feeling a little lost. I know what I’m doing but I don’t know where I’m heading at. I wanted to give more and do more but it seems that circumstances are dragging me to a different direction. A direction I am not familiar, more so confident, with…. Continue Reading
Jump, not! yeyeviray, August 8, 2015August 9, 2015 I’ve been hearing a lot of people raving about how liberating it is to follow one’s passion and jump at any chance they can get. Wrong! Have they told you the preparation and support group that have been laid out for them (with or without their knowledge) to equip them to pursue… Continue Reading
Story of Randomness yeyeviray, May 20, 2015May 21, 2015 1. We are still in the process of renovating our office. It’s emotionally and financially draining. I don’t know where to get more supply of patience as we wait for it to finally be over. I can’t wait to see the output and I can’t wait to settle all our dues… Continue Reading
Growing old yeyeviray, October 13, 2014May 21, 2015 Time is passing by so quickly don’t you think? I am starting to get scared whenever I look at our kids, they’ve grown so fast. Especially Marcus. I am just glad he doesn’t go out too often (compared to teens his age), but he’s starting to ask permission already. He… Continue Reading
Why enrol your kids to different schools? yeyeviray, August 4, 2014May 21, 2015 I always get this question. And every time, there is a lag between the question and my answer. I struggle for words to explain that I look for school that would meet each of my child’s needs and not the other way around. I’ve learned my lesson already and I… Continue Reading
Closure, finally! yeyeviray, June 8, 2012April 5, 2015 On our way to Tarlac yesterday to attend the mediation, my husband and I were expecting nothing, though we were hoping and praying that the meeting would finally be fruitful. On our way to the mediation, we saw the very same model of sports car that hit us. We were… Continue Reading
It can be tiring… yeyeviray, June 5, 2012April 5, 2015 I take this moment to rant about something that has been bothering me for days. You see, my husband and I have been working so hard to what? To give our family a good life and our children a better future. But more than that, we are deeply thankful for… Continue Reading
When can we move on? yeyeviray, May 23, 2012April 5, 2015 After almost 2 years, I finally saw the person responsible for our vehicular accident. I’ve heard so many things about him. Negative things to be exact. Aside from the fact that he did not help us when we were thrown at the embankment (obviously hurt, rain pouring hard and our… Continue Reading
Bits and pieces yeyeviray, May 9, 2012April 5, 2015 So many things are running on my mind and I just have to let it all out; 1. I have this diary/organizer where I list all my activities for the day. The more items checked, the more accomplished I feel. But lately, I noticed that items on my list are… Continue Reading